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Ceramic tile paving material family history from the bottom paste ceramic tile gum is the trend

Ceramic tile paving material family history from the bottom paste ceramic tile gum is the trend

At present, with the upgrading of consumption and the approaching of the outbreak time of the second decoration, the ceramic tile industry is developing rapidly. In 2019, China's tile consumption exceeded 9 billion square meters, making it the largest tile consumption country in the world. When the water rises, the ship rises. The continuous expansion of the capacity of ceramic tile further promotes the prosperity of the market of ceramic tile paving materials.

  Ceramic tile paving material family history from the bottom paste ceramic tile gum is the trend

Since the birth of the first generation of ceramic tile paving materials, ceramic tile paving materials have gone through four iterations of product innovation, from the grandparents to the great-grandchildren. So? What is the ceramic tile shop of ancestral generation stick material? How was it born? What makes the ceramic tile paving material always keep moving forward and bring forth new ideas? Where is the export of the ceramic tile paving material at present? Does the great-grandson do well? What are the future trends? In this article, the author will respond to these questions one by one through a historical review.

Ceramic tile paving material family history from the bottom paste ceramic tile gum is the trend

The first generation of ceramic tile paving materials, that is, the ancestral products of ceramic tile paving materials are our common cement mortar. Cement mortar is cheap and easy to get, the purpose of use is also obvious, is to act as adhesive, tile and wall paste wall surface. So? Did you achieve the purpose of pasting? I'm going to be careful here, but I would say to a certain extent. That is to say, stick is stick on, but stick not stick firmly, after stick will not fall, cement mortar can not guarantee. This point, with the upgrading of ceramic tile technology, the continuous improvement of ceramic tile hardness and the continuous decline of water absorption rate, gradually evolved into a problem that cannot be ignored and urgently solved. Therefore, the second generation of ceramic tile tile product tile glue was born.

Ceramic tile paving material family history from the bottom paste ceramic tile gum is the trend

The bonding performance of ceramic tile glue is naturally better than that of cement mortar, but in the history of ceramic tile paving materials, it can only play the role of a transition, why? Very simple, one is that although the bonding ability of ceramic tile glue is more beneficial than that of cement mortar, it is still difficult to meet the requirements of the tile industry for upgrading and pasting. 2 it is ceramic tile glue itself of this one product is more "finicky", to base surface and construction requirement are high, requirement base surface must be absolutely flat. Therefore, the user cost is very high, and it has not been recognized and popularized by the market. The fate of ceramic tile glue is very sad, and the same ceramic tile glue is bound to inevitably become the role of transition and emulsion ceramic tile glue, which is our third generation of ceramic tile tile products.

Slightly more fortunate than ceramic tile glue, latex ceramic tile gum was born at a very good time. Therefore, although the tile performance is also worrying, the same can not really solve the brick problem, but before the fourth generation of tile tile tile tile product was not born, the emulsion glue or occupy a place in the market, and has become the main tile product. The reason is simply that consumers have no better choice and feel more comfortable using it than not using it. Briefly introduce this product, the construction area is large, the price is cheap. The physical viscosity of pressure sensitive adhesive as the bonding principle, similar to chewing gum, therefore, the use of emulsion type adhesive tile tile is easy to fall off, because the water resistance of emulsion type adhesive is very poor, generally less than 0.5; Freezing and thawing resistance is poor, generally between 0.1-0.2; Heat resistance is also very poor, 40℃ and above, the higher the temperature, the lower the bond strength.

Ceramic tile paving material family history from the bottom paste ceramic tile gum is the trend

The congenital defect of latex ceramic tile gum made the whole ceramic tile industry into a dilemma, and it was at this time that Hebei Jiade paste ceramic tile gum came into being. Different from emulsion ceramic tile gum, Hubei alkali ke paste ceramic tile gum with chemical bonding as the principle, through the addition of high polymer to ensure that the product excellent bonding strength and aging resistance, can really prevent the occurrence of the phenomenon of brick. The original tensile strength is excellent, generally about 1.5; Excellent frost and thawing resistance, generally can reach above 0.6; Excellent water resistance, generally can reach more than 0.8; Excellent high temperature resistance, generally can reach more than 1.6. And construction is convenient, namely brush namely stick, need not wait. The only drawback is that due to the addition of inorganic materials in the material, so the brush area is slightly lower than the emulsion gum.

Ceramic tile paving material family history from the bottom paste ceramic tile gum is the trend

Generally speaking, the fourth generation of ceramic tile paste material products, Hebei Jiade paste ceramic tile gum performance is very excellent. Not only is the price cheaper than the traditional emulsion gum, but also it can really play a role and solve the user's pain point. To solve your drinking problem, would you choose a $1 cup full of leaks? Or would you buy a whole cup for $1.10? The answer is obvious. What's more, with the upgrading of consumption and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, quality has become the first consideration factor for customers.

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