Tile adhesive

Tile adhesive Paste -Q-101

Tile adhesive Paste -Q-101

TheCeramic Tile Adhesive adopts German technology, imported emulsion as the main raw material, and polymerized by adding a variety of additives.

Product Description

环保易涂型       Type:Eco-friendly and easy-to-use

环保型           Eco-friendly

无毒无味         Non-toxic and tasteless

环保无污染       Environmental protection and Non-polluting

耐候性优异       Excellent weather resistance

施工简便         Easy construction

合成高分子       Synthetic polymer

贴心服务         Intimate Service

高端研发         High-end research and development

前沿技术         Cutting-edge technology

安全环保         Safety and environmental protection


Product introduction:


The Ceramic Tile Adhesive adopts German technology, imported emulsion as the main raw material, and polymerized by adding a variety of additives.It is specially applied to strengthen the pretreatment of the bonding surface of various tiles, vitrified tiles, marble, mosaics and other decorative tiles with high density and low water absorption, effectively improve the impact resistance of the substrate interface, change the cement mortar and substrate interface between lateral deformation ability, increase the cohesive force between mortar and interface, to completely eliminate the traditional shop sticks ceramic tile of the empty drum, the phenomenon of cracking and peeling.


Scope of use:


It is suitable for strengthening the pretreatment of the bonding surface (back) of decorative tiles such as vitrified tiles, antique tiles, ceramic mosaics, marble, artificial stone, etc.




There is no need to soak the bricks during construction, and directly use a brush or roller brush to paint the back of the brick body. It is better to cure and dry the painted tiles for about 1 hour to pave the tiles (the specific drying time depends on the situation. It is recommended to brush the bonded wall at the same time for better effect.


How to use:


It is necessary to remove dust, oil and mold release agents on the surface of the bricks Before construction;And then open the package, evenly brush the emulsion on the back of the brick with a brush, without missing the brush. With cement mortar or ceramic tile bonding mortar bonding can be.


Storage and transportation:


The storage temperature of this product is between 5℃-35℃, and it should be stored in a cool and dry place. The product is non-toxic, non-flammable, non-dangerous, and should be neatly stacked without squeezing, tilting or inverting. In the case of complete packaging, the shelf life is 12 months.


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